Small College Basketball Interview

On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 7:51 PM, <> wrote: Hi John,   Thanks for helping out spread the word about small college basketball and coaching.    Please feel free to add any question I should be asking but have not.. and take out any your view as intrusive or pointless.   I attached a word […]

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Coaches Evaluate Your Basketball Program

Why should coaches evaluate their basketball programs… I mean, don’t they do that every day? Regarding your first question, it is very important to assess your program. This typically happens periodically to make sure that the activities are meeting the needs of the overall program. Evaluation, if done the right way, can identify areas for […]

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Select Basketball Coaching- My First Year

Select Basketball Coaching- My First Year

Tell us how you arrived at the decision to coach a team? I wanted to find a coach that cared about the girls’ psyche, heart, confidence, future, love of the game, integrity and basketball skills as much as he/she did about winning games. When I asked Coach Chris and he told me he couldn’t do […]

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Default Blog Post Example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec commodo ut elit quis mattis. Morbi elementum tempus ipsum nec iaculis. Integer urna ante, varius ut tempor nec, suscipit sit amet nisl. Fusce a suscipit velit, non mattis nulla. Sed eget massa ut lorem ornare dapibus. Suspendisse vulputate aliquam augue eget porttitor. Donec maximus sem ut […]

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